- Professor
- Cindy Yunhsin Chou
- Services marketing and management, Value co-creation, Service innovation, Consumer well-being
- E-mail:cindy.chou@ntnu.edu.tw
- Tel:+886-2-77493314
- Fax:02-2364-8372
Academic BG.
- PhD, School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, QUT Business School (Triple crown accreditation: AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA), Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Service Science Research Centre, Department of Management Information Systems, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Teaching and Research Assistant, School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Marketing Executive, Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd., Taiwan
- Journalist, China Times Weekly, Taiwan
- Journalist, Great Daily News, Taiwan
- Leo, W. C., Laud, G., and Chou, C.Y.* (2019). Service system well-being: Conceptualising a macro-level concept. Journal of Service Management, 30(6), 766-792. (SSCI, ABS: 2, 2018 IF: 3.230)
- Huang, T.- L., Mathews, S. and Chou, C.Y.* (online early cite in Nov, 2019). Enhancing online rapport experience via augmented reality. Journal of Services Marketing (SSCI, ABS: 2, 2018 IF: 2.421)
- Chen, J.-S., Tsou, H.-T. Chou, C.Y., and Ciou, C.-H (online early cite in October, 2019). Effect of multichannel service delivery quality on customers' continued engagement intention: A customer experience perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-12-2018-0508 (SSCI, 2018 IF: 1.276)
- Leo, W.C., Chou, C.Y.*, & Chen, T. (2019). Working consumers’ psychological states in firm-hosted virtual communities. Journal of Service Management, 30(3), 302-325 (SSCI, ABS: 2, 2018 IF: 3.230)
- Tsou, H.-T., Chen, J.-S.*, Chou, C.Y., Chen, K T.-W. Chen (2019). Sharing economy service experience and its effects on behavioural intention. Sustainability, 11(18), 5050; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11185050. (SSCI, IF: 2.592)
- Sawang, S., Chou, C.Y.* & Truong-Dinh, Q. B. (2019). Does perceived crowding impact on service quality and customers’ emotional well-being? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 33(4), 460-477. (SSCI, ABS: 1, 2018 IF: 0.801)
- Chou, C.Y.*, Huang, C.-H., & Lin, T.-A. (2018). Organizational intellectual capital and its relation to frontline service employee innovative behavior: consumer value co-creation behavior as a moderator. Service Business, 12(4), 663–684. (SSCI, 2018 IF: 2.110)
- Huang, C.H., Wu, H.-H, Chou, C.Y., Dai, H., Lee, Y.-C. (2018) “The perceptions of physicians and nurses regarding the establishment of patient safety in a regional teaching hospital in Taiwan,” Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47(6), 852-860 (SCI, 2018 IF: 1.053)
- Chou C.Y.*, Huang, S.C. & Mair, J. (2018). A transformative service view on the effects of festivalscapes on local residents’ subjective well-being. Event Management, 22(3), 405-422. (ABS: 2, ABDC: A, 2016 SJR: 0.393)
- Huang, C.H., Lings, I., Beatson, A., & Chou, C.Y.* (2018). Promoting consumer environmental friendly purchase behaviour: a synthesized model from three short-term longitudinal studies in Australia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(12), 2067-2093. (SSCI, 2018 IF: 1.855)
- Chen, J.-S., Kerr, D., Chou, C.Y., & Ang, Chinhui (2017). Business co-creation for service innovation in the hospitality and tourism industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(6), 1522-1540. (SSCI, ABS: 3, ABDC: A, 2018 IF: 2.874)
- Chou, C.Y., Chen, J.-S., & Liu, Y.-P. (2017). Inter-firm relational resources in cloud service adoption and their effect on service innovation. The Service Industries Journal, 37(3-4), 256-276. (SSCI, ABS: 2, ABDC: B, 2018 IF: 1.258)
- Chou, C.Y.* & Sawang, S. (2015). Virtual community, purchasing behaviour and emotional well-being. Australasian Marketing Journal, 23(3), 207-217. (ABS: 1, ABDC: B, 2015 SNIP: 0.643)
- Liao, S.L., Chou, C.Y.* & Lin, T.H. (2015). Adverse behavioral and relational consequences of service innovation failure. Journal of Business Research, 68(4), 834-839. (SSCI, ABS: 3, ABDC: A, 2018 IF: 2.509)
- Chou, C.Y.* & Yuan, S.-T (2015). Service-driven social community and its relation to well-being. The Service Industries Journal, 35(7-8), 368-387. (SSCI, ABS: 2, ABDC: B, 2018 IF: 1.149)
* corresponding author
- Chou, C.Y.*, Leo, C., Kao, C.-Y., Yu, M. (2020). Social norms and value co-destruction: An Asian Perspective. 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 14th-16th February 2020, American Marketing Association, San Diego, CA
- Huang, W.-B., Chou, C.Y., and Huang, T.-L. (2019). How does the shared frontline experience between tourist and tour leader affect tourist’s relationship sustaining and unplanned purchase behaviors: An emotional convergence perspective. 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference 2019, 2nd-4th July 2019, Regent’s University London, London, United Kingdom.
- Laud, Gauri, Leo, C., and Chou, C.Y. (2018). Service System Well-being: Conceptualising a Macro-Level Concept. The 10th AMA ServSig 2018, 14th-16th June 2018, IÉSEG School of Management, Paris, France.
- Lin, T.-A., Huang, C.-H. and Chou, C.Y*., (2018). Examining the effect of intellectual capital and consumer value co-creation behavior on frontline service employee innovative behavior. The 21st Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), 27th-29th June, Norte Porto, Porto, Portugal.
- Chou, C.Y., Liao, S.L. & Huang, Y.-T. (2017). Utilizing firm-hosted virtual community for service recovery. 46th European Marketing Academy Conference 2017 (EMAC 2017), 23rd-26th May, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Truong-Dinh, Q.B. & Chou C.Y. (2017). The effect of medical service staff perceived crowding on patient perceived interaction service quality and emotional well-being. 46th European Marketing Academy Conference 2017 (EMAC 2017), 23rd-26th May, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Chou, C.Y., Leo, C. & Chen, T. (2016). Customer experience, behavioural engagement and value co-creation in firm-hosted virtual communities. 2016 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2016 ANZMAC), 5-7 December, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Chou C.Y., Chiang, L., Wu, H.-Y. & Huang, Y.-T. (2016). The relationship between intercustomer social support and consumer well-being: an extended framework of servicescape. The 19th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Conference (AMS-WMC), 17-19 July, Paris, France.
- Chou C.Y., Chiang L., Huang Y.-T., and Wu, H. (2016). A transformational servicescape and its relations to consumer place attachment and subjective wellbeing. American Marketing Association (AMA)-SERVSIG 2016, 17-19 June, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Chou C.Y., Huang, S.-C. (2016). The mediation effect of intercustomer social support on customer subjective well-being: A virtual servicescape study. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2016), 24-26 May, Oslo, Norway.
- Chou C.Y., Chiang, L., Wu, H.-Y. & Huang, Y.-T. (2016). The effect of intercustomer social support on place attachment, customer co-creation and well-being: An example of Tamsui community-based servicescape. 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference (2016 MTPC), 3-4 April, Kyoto, Japan.
- Chou, C.Y. & Sawang, S. (2015). Virtual marketing and psychological wellbeing: is it real? The 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Conference (2015 AMS-WMC), 14-17 July, Bari, Italy.
- Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Chou, C.Y.* (2015). A holistic approach to the effects of fandom: An application of self-expansion theory. The 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Conference (2015 AMS-WMC), 14-17 July, Bari, Italy.
- Chou, C.Y., Huang, C.-H., Hsu, S.-M. (2015). A longitudinal study on consumer behavior: The synthesized model of the theory of planned behavior, self-determination theory and planning. The 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Conference (2015 AMS-WMC), 14-17 July, Bari, Italy.
- Chiu, T.C.-H., Chou, C.Y. & Chen, J.-S. (2015). The effects of retail multiple channel integration on service innovation and performance. The 20th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI 2015), Hong Kong, China.
- Liao, S.L., Chou, C.Y.* & Lin, M.C. (2015). Emoticon usage in social media: Influences of social presence and motivation orientation. In the proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference 2015 (AP-ACR 2015), 19-21 June, Hong Kong, China.
- Chen, T., Leo, C. & Chou, C.Y. (2014). A conceptualisation of ownership of value initiation in service co-creation. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2014 (ANZMAC 2014), Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Huang, C.-H., Chou, C.Y. & Hsu, S.-M. (2014). Predicting consumer behaviour: A synthesis of the theory of planned behaviour and the self-determined motivation. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2014 (ANZMAC 2014), Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
- Liao, S.L., Chou, C.Y.* & Lin, T.H. (2014). The influences of innovation failure characteristics and post-failure consumer reaction on brand relationship quality. In the proceeding of 2014 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Conference, 2014 GEIM, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Chou, C.Y., Lings, I. N. & Bougoure, U. (2011). Symbolic Servicescape. In proceedings of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2011 (ANZMAC 2011), Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia.
- Chou, C.Y. (2009). Symbolic Servicescape. QUT 2009 Faculty of Business Research Students’ Colloquium “Research Fusion”. Brisbane 2009/10/2.
* corresponding author
- MOST 108-2410-H-003-139 -SSS. Does system well-being matter? A macro view to examine system well-being and its individual and collective outcomes (20190801-20200731)
- MOST 107-2410-H-155-023. Customer value co-destruction process and its relation to social norms in healthcare service (20180801-20190731)
- MOST 106-2633-H-155-001. Understanding psychological ownership in value co-creation and sharing economy (2-2) (20170801-20180731)
- MOST 105-2633-H-155-003. Understanding psychological ownership in value co-creation and sharing economy (2-1) (20160801-20170731)
- MOST 105-2410-H-155-024. Intercustomer social support as a recovery strategy to influence consumer perceived justice and well-being: a study on the features of service provider-hosted social community (20160801-20170731)
- MOST 104-2633-H-155-001. Service-hosted virtual community, inter-customer support and their relation to consumer wellbeing (2-2) (20151001-20160930)
- MOST 104-2410-H-155-022. An investigation of the joint effect between employee self-concept and their perception of servicescape on preference (20150801-20160731)
- MOST 103-2633-H-155-002. Service-hosted virtual community, inter-customer support and their relation to consumer wellbeing (2-1) (20141001-20150930)
Service Marketing and Management (Course Taught in English)
Brand Management
Global Marketing Management(Course Taught in English)
Marketing Research
Marketing Management (Course Taught in English)
Marketing Planning and Proposing
Internet Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Behavioural Decision Making
2017-2018 Research Adviser, College Student Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 106-2813-C-155-015-H
2017 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (Computers in Human Behavior, 5-year IF: 4.252)
2014 Teaching Excellence at Yuan-Ze University (the Academic Year of 2014)
2012 QUT Business School Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis
2012 Queensland University of Technology Write Up Scholarship
Reviewer Journal of Service Management
Reviewer Journal of Business Research (special issue)
Reviewer Journal of Services Marketing
Reviewer Journal of Service Theory and Practice
Reviewer The Service Industries Journal
Reviewer Electronic Commerce Research and Application
Reviewer International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Reviewer Computers in Human Behavior
Reviewer Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Reviewer Journal of Health Organization and Management
Reviewer Journal of Asian and African Studies
Reviewer INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing
Reviewer Journal of Management and Business Research (http://jom.management.org.tw/index.php)
Reviewer Journal of Technology Management (http://www.csmot.org.tw/English/journal.html)
Reviewer Sun Yat-Sen Management Review (http://mgtr.cm.nsysu.edu.tw/)